to break xinput based exploits (edited)-insecure
unless its a server (edited)sm_cvar host_timescale 5
(on their own game) to speedhack (edited)bool __fastcall hk_SendNetMsg(void* netchan, void* edx, INetMessage& msg, bool a1, bool a2) {
if (msg.GetType() == 8) {
auto clientinfo_msg = (cclcmsg_clientinfo_t*)(&msg);
clientinfo_msg->friends_id = rand();
(edited)else if (record->m_flOldLowerBodyYaw != record->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget && pLagData->m_iMissedShotsLBY <= 3)
// lets time our updates.
if (record->m_flSimulationTime >= data.flNextBodyUpdate)
// inform cheat of resolver method.
record->m_iResolverMode = EResolverModes::RESOLVE_FLICKPRED;
// set angles to current LBY.
data.m_flFinalResolverYaw = record->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget;
// set next predicted time, till update.
data.flNextBodyUpdate = record->m_flSimulationTime + CSGO_ANIM_LOWER_REALIGN_DELAY;
// still in prediction process.
data.m_bPredictingUpdates = true;
// set next predicted time, till update.
data.flNextBodyUpdate = record->m_flSimulationTime + CSGO_ANIM_LOWER_REALIGN_DELAY;
// still in prediction process.
data.m_bPredictingUpdates = true;
Netchannel: failed reading message 2.
Msg from CNETMsg_StringCmd
command: "goijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoigoijhdfaoigjreiogjaetrphoiarhoig"
gamemenucommand openserverbrowser
INLINE bool WriteBitsFromBuffer(BFRead* in, int numBits)
while (numBits > 32)
WriteUBitLong(in->ReadUBitLong(32), 32);
numBits -= 32;
WriteUBitLong(in->ReadUBitLong(numBits), numBits);
return !IsOverflowed() && !in->IsOverflowed();
cvar list
BuildAINFile : cmd : , "sv" : Build and Save the AI Node Graph (restarts map)
GenerateObjFile : cmd : , "sv" :
ai_debug_node_connect : cmd : , "sv" : Debug the attempted connection between two nodes
ai_dump_hints : cmd : , "sv" :
ai_set_move_height_epsilon : cmd : , "sv" : Set how high AI bumps up ground walkers when checking steps
aisettings_reparse : cmd : , "sv" : Reloads the AI settings files
clear_debug_overlays : cmd : , "sv" : clears debug overlays
csm_server_status : cmd : , "sv" : Usage: csm_server_status
damagedefs_reparse : cmd : , "sv" : Reloads the damage defs
dump_entity_sizes : cmd : , "sv" : Print sizeof(entclass)
dump_generic_key_values : cmd : , "sv" :
dump_globals : cmd : , "sv" : Dump all global entities/states
dumpentityfactories : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all entity factory names.
dumpeventqueue : cmd : , "sv" : Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
ent_cancelpendingentfires : cmd : , "sv" : Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
groundlist : cmd : , "sv" : Display ground entity list <index>
physics_budget : cmd : , "sv" : Times the cost of each active object
physics_constraints : cmd : , "sv" : Highlights constraint system graph for an entity
physics_debug_entity : cmd : , "sv" : Dumps debug info for an entity
physics_highlight_active : cmd : , "sv" : Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects
physics_report_active : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all active physics objects
physics_select : cmd : , "sv" : Dumps debug info for an entity
report_entities : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all entities
report_simthinklist : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all simulating/thinking entities
report_touchlinks : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all touchlinks
resetidletimer : cmd : , "sv" : Resets the idle timer.
script_printdiag : cmd : , "sv" : Print the printtodiag() buffer to the console
server_game_time : cmd : , "sv" : Gives the game time in seconds (server's curtime)
snapshot_memory_report : cmd : , "sv", "norecord" : Prints information about memory usage of snapshot data structures
soundscape_flush : cmd : , "sv" : Flushes the server & client side soundscapes
char __thiscall sub_100C7870(_DWORD *this)
55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 81 EC A4 01 00 00 8B 45 08 89 0C 24 53 56 57 85 C0 74 0C 50 81 C1 B4 00 00 00 E8
void __thiscall SuspiciousCreateMove(void* thisptr, CUserCmd* what_the_fuck)
(edited)char __thiscall sub_100C7870(_DWORD *this)
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
mod_studio: MOVETYPE_FOLLOW with no model.
Protocol version 13629 [659/659]
Exe version (csgo)
Exe build: 13:50:31 Aug 17 2020 (7929) (730)
Windows version 6.2
Steam beta name:
Directions HandleDirections(AimPlayer* data) {
CGameTrace tr;
CTraceFilterSimple filter{ };
if (!g_cl.m_processing)
return Directions::YAW_NONE;
// best target.
struct AutoTarget_t { float fov; Player* player; };
AutoTarget_t target{ 180.f + 1.f, nullptr };
// get best target based on fov.
auto origin = data->m_player->m_vecOrigin();
ang_t view;
float fov = math::GetFOV(g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles, g_cl.m_local->GetShootPosition(), data->m_player->WorldSpaceCenter());
// set best fov.
if (fov < target.fov) {
target.fov = fov;
target.player = data->m_player;
// get best player.
const auto player = target.player;
if (!player)
return Directions::YAW_NONE;
auto& bestOrigin = player->m_vecOrigin();
// skip this player in our traces.
// calculate angle direction from thier best origin to our origin
ang_t angDirectionAngle;
math::VectorAngles(g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin() - bestOrigin, angDirectionAngle);
vec3_t forward, right, up;
math::AngleVectors(angDirectionAngle, &forward, &right, &up);
auto vecStart = g_cl.m_local->GetShootPosition();
auto vecEnd = vecStart + forward * 100.0f;
Ray rightRay(vecStart + right * 35.0f, vecEnd + right * 35.0f), leftRay(vecStart - right * 35.0f, vecEnd - right * 35.0f);
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(rightRay, MASK_SOLID, &filter, &tr);
float rightLength = (tr.m_endpos - tr.m_startpos).length();
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(leftRay, MASK_SOLID, &filter, &tr);
float leftLength = (tr.m_endpos - tr.m_startpos).length();
static auto leftTicks = 0;
static auto rightTicks = 0;
static auto backTicks = 0;
if (rightLength - leftLength > 20.0f)
leftTicks = 0;
if (leftLength - rightLength > 20.0f)
rightTicks = 0;
if (fabs(rightLength - leftLength) <= 20.0f)
backTicks = 0;
Directions direction = Directions::YAW_NONE;
if (rightTicks > 10) {
direction = Directions::YAW_RIGHT;
else {
if (leftTicks > 10) {
direction = Directions::YAW_LEFT;
else {
if (backTicks > 10)
direction = Directions::YAW_BACK;
return direction;
synth — 08/11/2022
virtual void SetChoked( void ) = 0;
can't find anything else for SetChoke
if so that is 47
for INetChannel indexes
if (state->m_velocity_length_xy > 0.1f || fabs(state->m_velocity_length_z) > 100.0f)
state->m_abs_yaw = math::ApproachAngle(
((state->m_walk_run_transition * 20.0f) + 30.0f)
* state->m_last_update_increment);
state->m_time_to_align_lower_body = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime + 0.22f;
if (m_player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() != state->m_eye_yaw)
m_player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() = state->m_eye_yaw;
state->m_abs_yaw = math::ApproachAngle(
state->m_last_update_increment * 100.0f);
if (g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime > state->m_time_to_align_lower_body)
float dt = math::AngleDiff(state->m_abs_yaw, state->m_eye_yaw);
if (fabsf(dt) > 35.0f)
state->m_time_to_align_lower_body = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime + 1.1f;
if (m_player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() != state->m_eye_yaw)
m_player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() = state->m_eye_yaw;
record->m_eye_angles.y = m_player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget();
state->m_time_to_align_lower_body = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime + 0.22f;
// pull the lower body direction towards the eye direction, but only when the player is moving
if ( m_bOnGround )
if ( m_flVelocityLengthXY > 0.1f )
m_flFootYaw = ApproachAngle( m_flEyeYaw, m_flFootYaw, m_flLastUpdateIncrement * (30.0f + 20.0f * m_flWalkToRunTransition) );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
m_flLowerBodyRealignTimer = gpGlobals->curtime + ( CSGO_ANIM_LOWER_REALIGN_DELAY * 0.2f );
m_pPlayer->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget.Set( m_flEyeYaw );
m_flFootYaw = ApproachAngle( m_pPlayer->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget.Get(), m_flFootYaw, m_flLastUpdateIncrement * CSGO_ANIM_LOWER_CATCHUP_IDLE );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flLowerBodyRealignTimer && abs( AngleDiff( m_flFootYaw, m_flEyeYaw ) ) > 35.0f )
m_flLowerBodyRealignTimer = gpGlobals->curtime + CSGO_ANIM_LOWER_REALIGN_DELAY;
m_pPlayer->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget.Set( m_flEyeYaw );
// pull the lower body direction towards the eye direction, but only when the player is moving
if ( m_bOnGround )
__forceinline vec3_t(float f[2]) : x{ f[0] }, y{ f[1] }, z{ f[2] } {}
(edited) void Release( void ); // 1 // 0x00
ClientClass* GetClientClass(); // 0x04
void OnPreDataChanged( int updateType ); //4 // 0x08
void OnDataChanged( int updateType ); //5 // 0x0C
void PreDataUpdate( int updateType ); //6 // 0x10
void PostDataUpdate( int updateType ); //7 // 0x14
bool IsDormant(); // 0x18
(edited)networkable = (player + 0x08)
entIndex = networkable + 0x1C
(edited)constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer = 0x180;
constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayer = 0xD3FC5C;